Sometimes when a family goes through a challenge and the father is not there, the mother always consoles her children saying ‘Let daddy come. All will be fine’. Everyone is calm as they KNOW that when daddy comes he will set everything all right whatever it is, however worse the situation. This we are talking of a natural family, with a natural father, with all limitations. The bible says- don’t you know your maker is your husband? Also Ephesians 5:22 onwards clearly states a husband wife relationship and the climax is that, it is talking of Jesus Christ as the husband and we the church as HIS wife. HE is God and He HIMSELF takes responsibility for us. Like the mother who waits for the daddy to come to set things right, you don’t have to be worried and wait till he comes because HE has said I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. HE also made a commitment I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. WOW!! What a great confidence that HE takes all the responsibility and care that we can have REST in HIM?
Cheer up! You are in HIS prime attention. Rejoice!!For HE is in total control over everything. Look forward for greater things in life for IF GOD IS FOR YOU WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU? What a loving FATHER, Caring HUSBAND, great FRIEND, everlasting COMPANION we have in Jesus Christ!!
– Tangu Bro (Ps Mathew Kuruvilla)