The reason that majority of Christians though they are earnest, are weak, is because they have never dared to confess or speak out who they are and what they are in Christ Jesus . When you find this, you will boldly speak out what the WORD declares you are, in Christ. As you do this, your faith will abound . The reason our faith is throttled and held bondage is because we have never dared to speak out what God says we are. Faith never grows beyond our confession . I was just thinking how great a stir it would create if every believer began to dare to confess who he is in Christ.
Now don’t keep quiet but shout and SAY, “ I am a new creation with God living in me.” Thus I will overcome every fear and circumstances because the One in me is greater and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
We are not just forgiven sinners or poor, weak church members but the ones who face life fearlessly and subdue every circumstance in Jesus name .
Cheer up! Shout for Joy. We are more than conquerors ! Hallelujah ! Glory to Jesus Christ .
Bless you
Tangu br