Under law, justification is a reward for my work. Under grace justification is a free gift based on my faith and trust on the finished work of Jesus for me. (Romans.4.1-5)
Under law, my righteousness and hence my blessing is based on my work and my performance. Under grace, my righteousness and hence my blessing is based on the work of Jesus on the cross for me where I put my faith and trust. (see Romans. 11.30-33)
Under law, I have to use my own strength to obey the commandments and deal with sin. Under grace, God helps me with the power of the Holy Spirit to live and deal with sin. ( Hebrews 8. 8-10)
Under law, sin had dominion over me because I was dealing with sin with my own strength.  Under grace, I have dominion over sin through the power given by Jesus which is the power of the Holy Spirit.
Under law, I was trying to live a good life with my strength and was failing to. Under grace, I died and Jesus is living in me a good life. Now I say “it is not I that liveth, but the one in me”. The glory goes to Him and Him alone. (Galatians 2.20) 

Under law, I try to keep myself away from sin because I fear judgment. Under grace, I do not sin because I do not want to sin as I am caught by the love of Jesus. I have victory through His love! (Romans8.31-37)
Under law, I was trying to find fault with my brother when he sins. Under grace I feel pity on him and can help him to come back as I know I too am standing only because of grace. (Galatians 6.1; James 5.19,20)
Under law, guilt dominates me when I have a failure and it take away my boldness to stand before God and against satan. Under grace I dominate sin and guilt and can stand boldly before God and against Satan. (Hebrews 4.14-16)
Also under grace, I have a life of reigning on this earth where as under law I am reigned by guilt and condemnation. ( Romans 5.17)
Under law I take care and fail. Under grace God take care and win. I am free. 
Under law at last I say to myself that my strength is not sufficient for me to overcome my weakness. Under grace I always hear God says to me  ” My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness…” (2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV)
When trusting on my own works of the law, I have reason to boast. But when justified by the grace of God, I have nothing to boast; but only to give thanks to the Lord. ( Ephesians 2.8,9)
Under law, I take all the glory as it is my work, a glory which is fading away. Under grace all glory goes to God and He fills me with His glory which is unfading. I glorifies Him and He glorifies me with His glory. (2Corinthians 3.5-18)
Law makes me serious where as grace makes me joyous as I am free. ( Galatians 5.1 )
Law reveals sin but it is weak to deal with it. Grace produces thankfulness and love to God which is powerful enough to help me overcome sin. (Galatians 3.23,24; Hebrews 10.3,4)
Under law, I am sin conscious; but under grace I am love conscious. 
Under law, I put each step with utmost care but fail most of the times. Under grace I walk freely by believing on the Lord as I am not walking my own but He is making me walk in the right path. ( Romans 7.14-25)
Under law I am bound by sin and I take revenge as the law says ‘eye for an eye’ and ‘tooth for a tooth’. Until I revenge I have no peace. Under grace, as I am free from sin I am at peace even when I take no revenge. Instead I am free to do good and bless someone who do bad to me. Sin is not deciding what I should do. I have self control and can take my own decision to do good as the Holy Spirit is controlling me ! 
Oh Jesus through His great grace made me free!!

– Dr. Thomas Abraham
( Thomaskutty brother)