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Don’t wait, ACT!!

Just know one thing for sure. You have the ability of God through Christ in you and all sufficiency for you by HIM. Now, what are you waiting for? All this is in you to prove to all the love of God and the power of God through you. So go ahead!! Heal the sick whom you come across and tell them that Jesus loves them. Yes…to all around you, and you will be amazed that they were waiting for you to tell them this. Jesus can do this, only through YOU. Come on! Don’t be ashamed or afraid. Just do it!!

– Tangu bro (Ps Mathew Kuruvilla)

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Look unto Jesus

Fix your eyes on Jesus and nothing in this world can stop you. You will become less sensitive to this world and more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. What the world tells you will be your secondary concern but instead what Jesus tells will become your ultimate reality.

When we lose focus on Jesus, all the worries, anxieties and doubts appear as we are giving the world the lordship of our lives. Just as in the bible, when Jesus walks on water in Mathew 5: 22-30, Peter’s initial focus is on Jesus, and he is defying the law of physics to walk on water. Soon you can see him sinking. Why? Because he lost his focus from Jesus.

He started to see the world around him… the wind, the ocean and more over he is walking on water!! That’s exactly what happens when we lose our focus from Jesus. The world becomes more sensitive and it will take a toll on our trust in Jesus. In Proverbs 3:5, He says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.

So let us give Jesus our undivided attention and fix our eyes on just Him and we can be overcomers of this world!

– Sara

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HIS Glory For Our Fellowship

The Glory of God about which Jesus prayed to Father God (John 17:22), was for HIM to give you and me the same Glory that He had. That the Glory May Dwell with us and in us, so that the world may know that Jesus loves us.

On a personal level, it was for us to have fellowship with HIM.(1 Corinthians 1:9).

Just like Adam, and more ! He sinned and fell short of the Glory of God and lost his fellowship with Father God. From that day, God had the resurrection plan so that He could dwell and walk with HIS children again. But, it was a much more Glorious plan, where He is not walking with them in a garden at times, but dwelling in His Children forever, 24 hrs and 365 days, until their last breath on earth and first breath in the Everlasting. He did not want His children to fall short again, or to lose fellowship with HIM because it broke the Father’s heart and Jesus never wanted that to happen again. He was even ready to give Jesus as a sacrifice for us to have fellowship with HIM again.

What a great Father we have? Such a great love for us! Giving us the same Glory, because, only then we can talk and have fellowship with Father God. Only then can He dwell within us.

Let us enjoy the limitless provisions that He has for us in the Glory that He has given us. Let us abide in HIM and He in us. Let us give him our full acknowledgement for what HE has done for us. Let HIM become our number one priority .

Ask the Holy Spirit to make you fall in Love with HIM.

You will lack nothing. I mean nothing… if you abide in HIM!!

– Raunaq & Sara

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Security: ‘God category’!

Different categories of security are provided by nations to their leaders and high officials whose lives may be at risk. In India the highest category is ‘ Z plus ‘. When one accepts Jesus as his Lord, he is coming under ‘ God category security’ which is the highest of all. Jesus gave an amazing example for the security He provides: chicks under the wings of the hen! (Mathew 23.37).

The Psalmist foresaw this:“He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” ‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭91:4-6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

The following verses says that this happens because the Lord Himself became our dwelling place. “Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.” ‭( verses 9-11)

1 Corinthians 1:30 says that a believer is dwelling in Christ Jesus. Above all, our security will be continuing even after we leave this world where as the highest security of this world is only up to the graveyard.Assurance of our secured eternity and a blessed life under the wings of the Lord here on earth gives us real peace and hope. That’s why always when Jesus appeared to His disciples, He said: “fear not, be at peace!

So let’s decide not to fear!

– Thomaskutty Bro

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Not Our Faith, But HIS Faithfulness

How great is the faithfulness of God that our human minds cannot comprehend. It’s not our faith but HIS faithfulness that provides for all our needs and keeps us from the evil one. Many times we have self pity thinking we are not worthy or that we don’t have enough faith. Well, my question is –“Did Israel have faith that God would provide and protect or were they very good people?’’… Neither!!

It was the faithfulness of God that delivered them .HE provided for their needs and protected them from their enemies yet they were not children of God but children of Israel.

Now, let’s look at us. Are we chosen to be HIS children and HIS heirs?

We are worried about many challenges yet don’t rest in HIS FAITHFULNESS. 1 Cor 1:9 says GOD is FAITHFUL, by WHOM (not us) you were CALLED into Fellowship of His son JESUS CHRIST our LORD. If you have confessed JESUS CHRIST as LORD, then rest in HIS faithfulness because HE called you and gave you the highest honour of having fellowship with HIM through eternal life. Whatever your challenges are, if HE can save you, HE can keep you and HE can deliver you and provide for every need of yours. Whenever challenges come, shout, “GOD is FAITHFUL!! He will deliver me from my financial problems” and declare your needs.

1 Thess 5: 23, 24 says “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it” and 1 Thess 3:3 says “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one”.

Lift your heads high because HE who called you is FAITHFUL. Trust JESUS CHRIST and believe in HIS LORDSHIP.

– Ps. Mathew Kuruvilla (Tangu Bro)

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Limitless In Christ !

The more intimate we get with Jesus, the more limitless we will be. Never listen to any form of discouragement from anyone. Always look at what Jesus says about you. He says you are more than a conqueror, He says that you are redeemed, you are the most prized possession He has and His plan is to always see you at your BEST.

God bless You !!

– Raunaq & Sara

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Many people come to church to feel cozy and wonderful. They like to sit there week after week eating their frozen ice creams and shaking their heads to words which make them more cozy.

NO! NO! NO! Jesus did not give His church the Holy Spirit for us to be cold but to be hot as molten lava, filled with the power to seek and to save the lost. Many complain saying, “What have we got after coming to faith ? ” But my question to you is… What have you done for Jesus Christ after coming to faith? Have you witnessed for Him or won a single soul for Him?

We can’t afford to sit on our cozy sofa and enjoy the frozen sermons week after week. We must be on fire for Jesus Christ. When the fire came upon the disciples in the upper room, they needed no pep talk to GO out. They went with the fire and the fire went with them. Be ignited for JESUS CHRIST!

Fast, Pray and Read the Word. Always create an atmosphere of HIM around you and GO and reach out to the lost filled with the passion for Jesus Christ. Faith is a fact,but we have to act!!

Tangu Bro(Ps. Mathew Kuruvilla)

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Know Man

“But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man. (‭‭John‬ ‭2:24-25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

The basis of most of our complaints and bitterness is that we expect from man beyond his capacity. A man who is immensely rich doesn’t mean that he has the ability to give. Because he is a ‘man’!

That’s why people normally express their incapability by saying “I too am a man”.

Life will be more peaceful if we know that our life partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues , pastors & believers all are just human. Jesus knew what was in man! The problem is not with man but it is what is ‘in’ him. Jesus knew that man had lost the real man through the fall in the garden of Eden.

To give us a ‘new’ man inside of us, He sacrificed Himself and rose from the dead. Even after being ‘born again’, one has to know the new man in him who is recreated in the very form of God and walk accordingly. That’s why we cannot expect more from even a believer.

Christian ministry is to make him-the new man, known.

“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭(Colossians‬ ‭1:27-28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

So let’s make known the ‘Christ inside‘ instead of expecting more from others!

– Thomaskutty Bro

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Creativity originates with a thought or imagination. Imagination is the faculty given by God to subdue the reality that is seen and to move on to creativity that we believe for, as we walk by imagination (faith) and not by sight!

No one can control or put a limitation over your imagination. Before anything happens, we always imagine it – good or bad. Then why not imagine good things? In our daily lives, we do imagine good things and bad things. The Word of God always gives you only a good picture of yourself. So, why not imagine as per what the Word says and bring it into reality and rebuke every other thought which is against the Word ?This is so crucial because wrong imagination can birth wrong things. When we imagine that something bad is going to happen, there is a chance of bad things happening in our lives. But the Word of God has the power to tear down and destroy those thoughts. God’s Word has the power to create and to develop good and Godly thoughts in us. When we allow the Word to do so, we will begin to actualize in our visible world the blessings that were already given to us in the spiritual realm. We will start to touch and experience what we had imagined. It will become so real. That’s why the bible says…”bringing every thought into captivity to obedience to Christ”. (2 Corinthians 10:5). The Word helps us to be a champion in this life and also assures us eternal life. HE will do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine (think). Moreover, the bible says, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7). So think BIG and ACHIEVE BIG as imagination leads to creativity!

– Tangu Bro (Ps. Mathew Kuruvilla)

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Where would you rather be? On a plank ?

In an ocean, where would you rather be – on a plank or on a ship? Well, the difference is obvious. To be on a plank is more adventurous than to be on a ship coz you will feel each and every wave, every ups and downs, every splash of water on your face & you might even drench yourself in water.

But when you are on a ship, you wouldn’t feel a thing. No waves or big tides, it’ll be as steady as a rock. No water splashing, no drenching,nothing. You wouldn’t feel you are on a ship. You would feel more secure and safe .

You would want to be on that ship now rather than on this small wooden plank.

Well here’s the twist- to be on this plank is better than to be on that ship. Why? Because in the presence of God, i.e. the ocean, you would want to feel every wave and every tide of the Holy Spirit, and let the water splash on your face and be drenched in His presence. You would also want to see the supernatural and experience it up close and personal. How much more adventurous can it be! In a ship, how much ever strong the Holy Spirit blows this huge ship would just rock from side to side and be all cozied up on the inside. Feeling nothing but the AC and breathing the same recirculated air. That’s how today’s church has become , not letting the Holy Spirit in and work within them.

So here’s what I am getting at-Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Open the windows, let the Holy Spirit in and let Him do what He wants and move within you. Stop letting your flesh rule over you.Lower yourself in His presence and be the plank. Let no ego or sensual desire rule over you,being cozied up on the inside and not letting the Holy Spirit work.

You wouldn’t want to be on a ship in the presence of God do you?

Sara & Raunaq

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