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Think of yourself as an acoustic guitar. It has to be of fine quality, including its make of wood and the 6 strings which are done by a maker. The instrument has to be tuned to play a perfect note and chords. This perfect guitar cannot tune itself. Even if the guitar wants to, it cannot tune itself without an external force or a guitarist. Even after the tuning, only while it is played by a good guitarist the full potential of the guitar can be used.

The same way, you cannot tune yourself. It is the Father who made you, to get tuned each day by Jesus and to be played with the power of the Holy Spirit as per His will. So, don’t try to tune yourself but depend on Jesus, fall in love with Him and submit to His will

– Raunaq & Sara

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Teens , twenties and their best friend Jesus !!

What an awesome move of God we are seeing among our youth these days after the teens and twenties camp! Experiences incomprehensible for the natural mind. Many of our teens and twenties who were reluctant to show themselves up even in a small group are now coming forward saying , ” I’ve seen Jesus, He spoke to me, Oh! His love is incomparable, I am filled with real peace!”

Some even had trips to heaven and testified as if they had visited a nearby city!
We can’t take it as a child play because their experiences were accompanied by tremendous transformation in their character and conduct. ‘The fruit proves the tree!’
Even little children under the age of 5 narrates their supernatural experiences in profound words.

They all say that they’ve tasted the real peace! A question may pop up; “Didn’t these little ones have peace?”

Conclusion: Yes, they had peace, they had no worries, they were happy and were enjoying life but now they’ve got their best friend Jesus and He has gifted them something special ! That means Jesus has got higher measures of peace to supply, more than what we have ever experienced! The real peace through the Holy Spirit who is the gift of Jesus is inexpressible and surpasses all human knowledge.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:27‬ (‭NKJV‬‬)

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

“…for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭14:17‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

“…yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

We need this best friend. We too need this amazing new life filled with the real peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. We all need this supernatural, real life here on earth which is the foretaste of what we are going to experience eternally in heaven with Jesus after our life here on earth !
Lord, thank you, for thy kingdom has come!!

Thomaskutty Br

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The bible says in John 2:11, “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him” .The miracle in Cana was a manifestation of the glory of God. Whenever the glory of God is manifests, the supernatural happens. I am not talking about miracles, but supernatural wonders. Here we know that wine was made from water. Ordinary water became high grade wine – in an instant!! Let me tell you what happens when the glory of God manifests.-What usually takes years to happen will happen instantly and powerfully and in such a way that the world will see it .It will be a sign to the world.
But what triggered Jesus to manifest His glory at this wedding? We read that when the wine gets over, Mary His mother tells the servants,” Whatever He says to you, do it”. This is the key to bring out His glory that is already in us. DO AS HE SAYS!! The moment you do as He says, you will see His glory manifest in your life .Not only you, but the whole world will see it. Even though Jesus said His time had not yet come, their faith compelled Him and obedience to His Word accelerated the wonder. What could not happen in years happened in a second ! Miracles don’t happen by accident but it is God’s forceful intervention as an answer to violent faith.
In the bible, many great men of God did as God told them to, even though it seemed foolishness to them. They obeyed God and experienced His glory in their lives.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is our faith and obedience to God that triggers the supernatural. Let’s DO AS HE SAYS and see His glory revealed !!

Tangu Br

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Principles to be a conqueror

In this year of Restoration do as follows

  1. You Must set your mind on your goal (frame your vision).
  2. PRESS ON in hot pursuit to obtain your goal.
  3. FOCUS on your goal, let nothing hinder you.
  4. FORGET about the past failures or problems and live anew.
  5. FORWARD is what you should look unto, the fulfillment of your dream or vision, and THANK God for giving you the strength.
  6. KNOW that God is totally in favor of us in Christ Jesus.
  7. The ATTITUDE that you can and will do it in HIS strength.
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Right believing leads to right doing

When it comes to money the Holy Spirit wants to talk to us in three areas: freedom from financial captivity, freedom from financial fear and freedom from wrong thinking concerning financial abundance. I am not talking of worldly lusts or yearning for money or a selfish desire for wealth and power. I am talking of god’s provision, God’s blessing and HIS ability to give us what we need. We are called to be blessed and be a blessing to others. Christianity is right believing and not right doing, as everything we had to do Jesus Christ did it and said ‘it is finished’. Right believing leads to right doing.

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Change We Need!


Raunaq, The elder son of Tangu Brother

Being raised in a Christian family, as the son of a pastor and also, having attended most of his sermons, I always was in full concordance and agreement with whatever my dad said. I had personally witnessed the pain and effort, he had taken to organise prayer meetings. But, as a kid, I have never been able to fully comprehend or rationalise as to his drive, motivation and passion in what he did. But, our circumstances and surroundings changed with every passing day and the church I was attending grew in number so exponentially, that we had to find larger venues to accommodate the increasing number of attendees in the fellowship. It was obvious that the reason behind these astounding changes was the Saviour my dad was preaching.

As I grew into a teenager, I started to question myself and everyone around me. I had to face strange thoughts in my heart which plagued me with the question,

[su_quote]”Do I actually need this saviour personally? I have never had to face the problems which my dad did, namely, financial crisis, family issues etc.”[/su_quote]

I was well content and comfortable in my world, with the few good friends I had in and out of church, and a few hundred rupees in my wallet.

My conviction grew stronger, as I watched my peers, especially the ones who didn’t attend the church, who were apparently enjoying life in ways, I never thought, the church or religion would approve. As expected, my parents were a bit concerned about my outlook on life. With these queries in mind, I attended a meeting in Chennai, while I was in my 12th grade. During the service, my attention was suddenly drawn to a particular topic my dad was preaching about – Eternal life. He was referring to instances where, lives of ordinary individuals in the bible, were changed forever by a single encounter with Jesus.

[su_note note_color=”#55c2f7″ radius=”1″]But, during that meeting, I said in my heart, “Jesus, I have heard dad speaking about you all these years and I have no doubts about your existence, but I need that encounter of which he was speaking about”.[/su_note]

Suddenly I felt someone (who I know, was Jesus) standing next to me, with his hands on my shoulders, saying, “I love you!”. Oh my God!! I was blown away and I heard my dad whisper, as he laid his hands upon me saying, “Father, I am just his biological father, but You are his spiritual father. Touch him and fill him”. My own heavenly Father was right next to me!

It was the most awesome experience ever!!! Suddenly I had no further doubts at all; All my queries vanished in that moment!! I was basking in His love that surpasses all understanding!!

Let me tell you, my friends, He is someone who will never condemn, judge or make you feel low, but will always have a good word for you and about you; love you and accept you as you are!

This encounter with Jesus changed my whole perspective about God. I finally understood that it was I who needed to change and not God, who remains the same, as a loving Heavenly Father. I realised that I no longer needed to seek God in a particular place, but instead, He was always with me!! I needed a major turnaround in my attitude and perception that money, health, and a good time with friends were all that I needed. I realized that only God can fill me in every area of my life. I needed to become less self-seeking and instead, look for opportunities to serve my fellow men which is truly the purpose for which God has created me. I needed to change from being content in my comfort zone, and do what is needed, be a voice that is heard, and be what I need to be to build a strong nation and society.

We need to change our perspective about life to become an activist, to stand for truth and righteousness, to be something more than religious, political or even silent observer. He wants us to have a life where we reign on this earth!! A life where we walk from victory to greater victory. All you have to do to have that overcoming life, is to say, “Jesus, I want a personal encounter with you!!”

And I assure you that your perspective of life will totally change, as mine did, and you will also become a part of this overcoming, ever joyful, victorious, eternal life!!

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Important Announcement

There is a false news regarding Heavenly Feast spread by certain unscrupulous people. They have even quoted the Hon.Kerala High court and The Justice name in this fake news. We have requested the cyber cell to take the Strongest measure against this unscrupulous antisocial elements.The Hon. High court will initiate action by itself. Writing such news to defame a person or organisation and forwarding such messages is a criminal offence as per cyber laws.
– Tangu Brother.

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Our Standard Of Life

God is LOVE. God is LIGHT. God is LIFE. Therefore, to engage in fellowship with HIM we must walk in the light and not in darkness .As we walk in the light, we will regularly confess our sins, allowing the blood of Christ to continually cleanse us. Two major blocks or hinderances for this walk is, falling in love with the world and falling for alluring lies of false teachers. We should never lose sight of eternity nor should anything that the worldly seek attract us. In the world it’s always ‘WHAT CAN I GET’ of anything I am doing but those in Christ think ‘WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE?, HOW CAN I BRING JOY TO OTHERS AND SERVE THEM?’

God is love. We being HIS children should imitate HIM and walk in love. Love is more than just words; it is actions. Love is giving, not getting. When this unconditional love which was in Christ Jesus dwells in us, we will be free of self condemnation and will experience confidence before God. God is LIFE . When we fellowship with HIM we possess HIS quality of life.Spiritual life begins with spiritual birth which happens the moment we have faith in Jesus Christ . Faith in Jesus Christ infuses this life of HIS in us- the eternal life! God is LOVE. God is LIGHT. God is LIFE. We have HIS attributes in us. So let’s walk in the Word with the help of our dear Holy Spirit. God is LOVE ; let’s display it in our lives. GOD is LIGHT; let’s remove the ignorance in us and then in the world by sharing it. God is LIFE-which we possess.

Let’s live it in a way that pleases HIM and be seen by others. Let the bible be the standard of our lives!

– Tangu bro (Ps. Mathew Kuruvilla)

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