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The Inner Chamber – A Deep Engagement of Prayer. Did you start your day with Him?

Psalms 42:7
DEEP CALLS UNTO DEEP- What an expression! Only God can fill our deepest being and that happens only in the INNER CHAMBER in a deep engagement of prayer – not vain repetition – but an exchange of deep love. Wow! If only we could get addicted to HIS LOVE. Waiting for us is the Living Christ to pour HIS FULLNESS in All HIS GLORY -yet we don’t value that and try to do everything ourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you that thirst that our soul will not be satisfied by anything else but HIS LOVE. No wonder psalms 42 starts off by saying – As the deer pants for the streams of water,so my soul pants for you, O GOD. My soul thirsts for God, the living God. Oh if only we could grasp the pangs of thirst for HIS presence. Yes as the deer so thirsty sees many mirages but is satisfied only with the true source of water. My beloved ones, all else in this world is just a mirage, images that seems to fulfill our inner being – the deep, but the true source that can fill our very being is the LOVE of The living Christ. Let our everyday start off in the INNER CHAMBER – that secret place where all doors are shut – into a deep engagement of prayer. Mere human words fail to express that deep engagement of prayer and so burst itself into praying in the spirit. If only you knew what I am sharing my dear ones. Deep calls unto deep.
Tangu bro

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Did you start your day in the Inner Chamber?

But when you pray, go into your room,and when you have SHUT YOUR DOOR, pray to your Father who is in the SECRET PLACE (the inner chamber);and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.(st Mathew 6:6)

What an instruction by Jesus our role model. As I shared yesterday, as salvation and filling of the Holy Spirit is important,so is the fellowship with the Father for which HE called us( 1Cor:1:9). Many think that bible reading or bible study is the time with God. NO! The Word of God should lead you to the Person- the Father of Glory.
Every morning He is waiting for us in the secret place, ready to hear from you your challenges and your goals for the day. But He wants the door SHUT. No interruptions as you pour out your heart to HIM and HE pours out HIS LOVE on us. The psalmist calls it DEEP SPEAKING UNTO DEEP. GLORY!!
HE holds you and dresses you up for the day with power and confidence. Remember our childhood when our mothers used to dress us up for school while we kept on bothering her? Here the Father loves to pour HIMSELF into you. CLOSE EVERY DOOR AND BE WITH HIM. Then when you come out of the secret place people will see you beaming with love and confidence – HE rewards openly.
Bless you,
Tangu brother

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To live is Christ and die is gain will be the exact verse for our beloved

Rev Reinhard bonkee a truly man of God in every sense,my role model whom I looked up to so much, who always when we met said we are of the same spirit fulfilled his desire to be with the lord. Whenever we met he always said I want to go,I want to see Jesus face to face , Jesus whom I preached without seeing,loved Jesus so much, I want to see him.I was preaching as my daughter broke this news. I could not preach but broke down.Year before last when we had breakfast together at his house was such a joyful time as he shared his heart with us as a family. We loved him so much . He leaves behind a responsibility to us to do what he did SAVES SOULS. Our heart goes out sister Annie and the family and Bro Andrew who always was with him. We stand by you in prayer.

Ps Mathew kuruvilla (Tangu bro)

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Take it by faith!

The vast potentialities of the creative ability of God in us has not been recognised thus not been developed. The unsearchable riches that has deposited in us in Christ is never recognised. It’s just like we are thirsty and standing near a well full of water.The word of God helps us to develop faith that draws all that we need from our source of supply – Jesus. Grace provides and faith takes it.
Having a great time during this 10 days fasting prayer. Today I will teach on financial breakthroughs. Grace has provided and by faith we will enjoy it. You can watch it live at HFTV in our site or download our app.

Tangu brother

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Let the Seed in you grow!! (Part 2)

Colossians 3: 15,16 says” And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord”. God wants His peace to rule in our hearts.The Word of Christ should dwell in us richly. It is not our prayers that give us peace but the Word of God in us. That is the reason why the devil tries to steal the Word from our hearts. God refers to the Word as seed because it has life and it grows and bears fruit. Just like a seed, the Word also has a growth process. Mark 4:28 talks about the process of the growth like this- ” For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head”.So the seed needs time to grow and the bible says that those who inherited the promises of God inherited those by faith and patience.
While we wait for the seed to grow, there is a very crucial thing that we need to do. We must PROTECT THE WORD IN US!
Let me tell you how you can protect the sown Word:
1. The devil will try to show you negative situations so that you will focus on that and not on the Word. Eventually you will end up speaking what you see and not what the Word says and your own words will cancel the sown Word.
2. A good relationship with Jesus who Himself is the Word will increase your trust in the Word and that makes the seeds rooted and they will grow stronger.
3. Hurts caused by people can steal the Word from you because when you speak offensive things, seeds of bitterness and fear will grow alongside. And we should decide which seed should grow in us.
4. Ephesians 4:29 says “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers”. Yes! Our own words can choke the sown Word in us.
5. Sometimes the world will become more attractive to you, and the world will seem more fast. The Word takes time for the results to be obvious but it is very rich. It is so rich that it will grow in us in such a way that we will lend to nations. The devil will try to make us panic but the bible says in 1 Peter 5:6,7,8 like this – “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
6. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour”. Let me make one thing very clear to you . The devil cannot touch us. He walks about like a lion to steal the sown Word from us. Protect the Word in you! When you hear anything contrary to the Word, resist and reject it!!
7. 1Thessalonians 2:13 says,” For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe”.
When you hear His Word, receive it, believe it and protect it!
We have to protect the Word for it to grow and bear fruit. God bless you!

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Let the Seed in you grow!! (Part 1)

When God created Adam & Eve, He gave them the authority to rule and to reign but that authority was stolen from them by Satan through deception. Later, when Jesus came as the Last Adam, He came as a perfect man, disarmed and defeated Satan at the Cross and delivered us out of darkness and conveyed us into God’s Kingdom. Now all authority has been given to us and he cannot oppose us. He is no match for you. So he can’t even look at you or touch you but he can do one thing – shift the focus of your mind from the WORD to the world. He does not fear a person who prays, but he fears a person who trusts in God’s Word. Jesus and His Word are the same. His Word gives us tremendous peace and His peace rules in our hearts. That is why the devil tries to steal the Word from our hearts where it is sown.
Mark 4:15 says, “And these are the ones by the wayside where the Word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the Word that was sown in their hearts”. Jesus refers to the Word as a seed. Why do you think the Word is called a seed? The Word has life and so does a seed. When a seed is sown, it doesn’t become a plant the very next day. Same is with the promises of God. The Bible says that the promises of God are inherited through faith and patience. God gave us seed (the Word) instead of a fruit because the seed can sprout and grow to bear plenty of fruits and we can enjoy those fruits forever. The growth of the seed might appear slow but it will never fail because Jesus Himself is the surety of the New Covenant.
Mark 4:15 says that the seed is sown in our hearts. It is not enough to be just hearers of the Word. We need to receive the Word and protect the seed that is sown in our hearts and then the sown Word will lead us to an intimate relationship with Jesus. You cannot trust someone’s words unless you know the person. Likewise, a personal relationship with Jesus will help you trust in His Word. So, receive the Word and spend time with Jesus who is the Word so that you will be fruitful. God bless you!
– Tangu Brother

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Fellowship with Christ Jesus

It is very important to understand the revelation of the Word in order to avoid reading the Bible as any other book. Without the revelation of the Word we can hear sermons or read the Bible but Christ will never be revealed in our lives. Israel had very good knowledge of the Word but they never recognized Jesus when He came. Same is the case of a Christian who reads the Bible without the help of the Holy Spirit and is eventually not able to fulfill the calling of God in his life. God doesn’t want us to depend on human knowledge but instead He wants us to operate on the faith that He has given us – the faith to move mountains! The Bible says that the faith that God has invested in us is immeasurable and we who have that faith are unstoppable. It is already in us and God wants us to use it for His purpose in us. That is why righteousness and faith work hand-in-hand.
Righteousness is the boldness that God has given us so that we can have fellowship with Him. God has not set any limits in the lives of those who are baptized into Christ and there is no natural law that will not submit to us.This is the reality of the Word of God!
Do you know to what extent miracles can happen in your lives? It can happen to the extent that you believe! For this we need the revelation of the Word because the revelation of the Word breaks all the limitations that we ourselves have set in our minds. We limited ourselves by not seeing us the way God saw us. The truth is, we were actually limiting God. But can you and I limit God? Yes! We can limit Him in our lives by not having fellowship with Him.
1 Cor 1:9 says ” God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord”. Called us into the fellowship by making us as righteous as Him and Ephesians 4:24 says that we were created in righteousness and holiness like Him. Paul says in Ephesians 3:8 that the unsearchable riches of Christ is now in the Gentiles. Jesus is Grace and He gave Grace. The finished work of Jesus is grace for grace and we know that grace is what we don’t deserve. Do we deserve to sit with God in heaven? We don’t, but grace provided a seat for us in heaven with God.
Now why did God do that for us ? He did it so that He could share His heart with us. And for this He made us holy and righteous like Him as it is written in Ephesians 4: 20. The optimum was God and He gave it to us so that we could boldly have fellowship with Him. He is the Vine and we are the branches. He made us one with Him so that His life, His glory and all His goodness could flow into us. Then all the lack will be wiped away and we will be fruitful in every good work. No one will see the Vine. They will only see the fruit in us. They will see the fruit – our boldness and the authority in our words. The world will not see God but they will see God manifested in you and they will recognize God in you!! Like how it was when Jesus walked on this earth, the world will be astonished when they see you because you have the same mandate as Jesus when you walk in fellowship with God. People will be amazed at the authority in your words . Your words will burn in them and you can boldly say ” I am born from above!”.
When we fellowship with God, He implements in our lives the very purpose that was in His heart according to His original plan of creation. He executes this today through His church. In His original plan, He wanted to fill the whole world with His glory and He does it today by manifesting His glory in you and me. What a glorious display you and I are!!
Today we are the display of God on earth!
You are His family! You are the child of God on earth! You are the bride of Christ ! You are His all in all !
God has made us His co-workers. Let us fellowship with Christ and manifest His glory wherever we go!
– Tangu Brother

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